Industries and Applications

We help streamline remote ocean monitoring efforts in various ocean sectors.


Buoys with clear-cut missions

With our blend of expertise in marine technology, Ocean Access offers tailored solutions to streamline remote ocean monitoring efforts in various ocean sectors – including aquaculture, offshore energy, maritime surveillance and security, and oceanographic research.

Offshore Energy

Subsea wells and other critical infrastructure on the seabed are gradually ageing, with an increased risk of integrity issues and leaks. 

Many wells lack the infrastructure for digital monitoring and therefore rely on periodic inspections with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). This is resource-intensive and does not provide situational awareness in periods between Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) campaigns.


Remote Subsea Monitoring and Digital Operations

As a provider of digital and remote monitoring solutions, we help offshore operators eliminate the need for manual inspections. By connecting our data buoy to sensor systems on the seabed, we can provide continuous monitoring and enable operators to transition to digital operations. This can help save costs, identify leaks or other integrity issues earlier, and ensure regulatory compliance. 


In tandem with rising global food demand, aquaculture is projected to supply more than 60% of the world’s food fish. Amidst production, farms and fisheries continue to grapple with a shared problem plaguing the sector – fish diseases and parasites (e.g., salmon lice, tapeworm, fungal infections).

To address this challenge, it is crucial for farmers to better understand the environment of their fish breeding grounds. Our technology aims to empower farmers with the necessary data and insights for responsible and sustainable food production.


Pioneering Precision in Kelp Farming Operations

Our buoys offer a cost-effective solution for monitoring ocean conditions near fish and kelp farms. This involves environmental monitoring, reference measurements in areas surrounding the farms, and surveys for identifying new locations. 

By capturing data, we can help forecast harmful and unfavourable water conditions. This predictive capability allows aquatic farms to better prepare and implement mitigation strategies in their aquatic operations.

Maritime Surveillance and Security

Safeguarding our borders remains a critical challenge in our ever-evolving oceanic landscape. In achieving maritime domain awareness, our submersible buoy is specifically designed for applications that necessitate covert subsea-to-surface communications. This is especially important in confronting the increasing sophistication of maritime threats (e.g., suspicious vessels, illegal activity).


Strengthening Coastal Defence Capacity and Capabilities

In building more resilient borders, our submersible buoys help to detect real-time underwater activity and threats. In other applications, they can be used to aid in undersea rescue missions.

Moreover, our solution can function as a subsea threat detection and monitoring system or as a communication relay station to transmit valuable data from submarines, AUVs, or divers, without the need for resurfacing.

Science and Digital Oceans

As we reinforce our commitment towards combatting climate change, our goal remains in pioneering cutting-edge oceanographic research. It is crucial to understand the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes of the ocean. Our sustainable solution addresses the shortcomings related to deep ocean monitoring, such as the lack of quality ocean data and limited accessibility to such insights.


Advancing scientific breakthroughs in Mother Ocean

Our buoys have the capacity to provide marine researches with invaluable time-series data on essential oceanic parameters, thereby facilitating a deeper understanding of our ocean and its role in the global climate system. These include, but are not limited to, sea surface temperature, salinity, ocean heat content and flux, and currents.

By bridging the ocean data gap, we help in propelling future-forward oceanographic research and sustainable innovations.

Powering ocean data capture, one buoy at a time.

Offshore Energy

Subsea wells and other critical infrastructure on the seabed are gradually ageing, with an increased risk of integrity issues and leaks. 

Many wells lack the infrastructure for digital monitoring and therefore rely on periodic inspections with remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). This is resource-intensive and does not provide situational awareness in periods between Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) campaigns.   


Remote Subsea Monitoring and Digital Operations

As a provider of digital and remote monitoring solutions, we help offshore operators eliminate the need for manual inspections. By connecting our data buoy to sensor systems on the seabed, we can provide continuous monitoring and enable operators to transition to digital operations. This can help save costs, identify leaks or other integrity issues earlier, and ensure regulatory compliance.


In tandem with rising global food demand, aquaculture is projected to supply more than 60% of the world’s food fish. Amidst production, farms and fisheries continue to grapple with a shared problem plaguing the sector – fish diseases and parasites (e.g., salmon lice, tapeworm, fungal infections).

To address this challenge, it is crucial for farmers to better understand the environment of their fish breeding grounds. Our technology aims to empower farmers with the necessary data and insights for responsible and sustainable food production.


Pioneering Precision in Kelp Farming Operations

Our buoys offer a cost-effective solution for monitoring ocean conditions near fish and kelp farms. This involves environmental monitoring, reference measurements in different water depths, and surveys for identifying new locations. 

By capturing data, we can help forecast harmful and unfavourable water conditions. This predictive capability allows aquatic farms to better prepare and implement mitigation strategies in their aquatic operations.

Maritime Surveillance and Security

Safeguarding our borders remains a critical challenge in our ever-evolving oceanic landscape. In achieving maritime domain awareness, our submersible buoy is specifically designed for applications that necessitate covert subsea-to-surface communications. This is especially important in confronting the increasing sophistication of maritime threats (e.g., suspicious vessels, illegal activity).


Strengthening Coastal Defence Capacity and Capabilities

In building more resilient borders, our submersible buoys help to detect real-time underwater activity and threats. In other applications, they can be used to aid in undersea rescue missions.

Moreover, our solution can function as a subsea threat detection and monitoring system or as a communication relay station to transmit valuable data from submarines, AUVs, or divers, without the need for resurfacing.

Science and Digital Oceans

As we reinforce our commitment towards combatting climate change, our goal remains to pioneer cutting-edge oceanographic research. It is crucial to understand the physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes of the ocean. Our sustainable solution addresses the shortcomings related to deep ocean monitoring, such as the lack of quality ocean data and limited accessibility to such insights.


Advancing Scientific Breakthroughs in Mother Ocean

Our buoys have the capacity to provide marine researches with invaluable time-series data on essential oceanic parameters, thereby facilitating a deeper understanding of our ocean and its role in the global climate system. These include, but are not limited to, sea surface temperature, salinity, ocean heat content and flux, and currents.

By bridging the ocean data gap, we help in propelling future-forward oceanographic research and sustainable innovations.

Powering ocean data capture, one buoy at a time.

Ready to test the waters?

Get in touch with us on solutions for your remote ocean monitoring needs.